Monday, March 30, 2009

This is a picture of the second and third year nursing students at KCMC. They are all gathered for the presentation of a "beamer" LCD projector that I brought from the U.S. Now they no longer have to share one 'beamer' with the medical school. The students have all been Registered Nurses in Tanzania and have a few years of experience before being accepted into the Bachelor's program. Many of the students are already acting leaders in their facilities as Managers or Matrons.
They are all very conscientious and mature students who take an active interest in their learning. For some, English is their 3rd or 4th language, prompting me to work hard on my Swahili. I am amazed by the challenges they overcome everyday to be here, and I am enjoying getting to know them.


  1. Have you learned any Kichagga? I picked up some when I was there but have forgotten most of it. We had a lot of Chagga people in the area. I would think it'd be the same way now. Have you been to the market yet? Great updates!

  2. Jen, So happy to hear of you experiences continue to have fun and make the most of every opportunity.--Cindy
